Upcoming Events

Welcome and Upcoming Events

Welcome!  Upcoming Events is where we highlight our September through May weekly Tuesday programs, as well as any evening programs, special events, and summer programs. Our AAUW Branch members will also find links taking them to pages where they can make reservations and attend our programs virtually when that option is available. 

Anyone interested in joining our Branch will find more information on our Visitors Guide page.

Looking for something else on our website? Click HERE to use our searchable website map.

Important Branch Announcements

SAVE THE DATE! August Tea, Wednesday the 21.

  • Membership Renewal Update: A big THANK YOU goes out to all members whose memberships were due by June 30 for renewing their memberships!
    • It is not too late to renew!  You can still renew your membership if it was due by June 30, 2024. If you have questions, you can email the Membership Treasurer at  membershiptreasurer@aauwstpaul.org 
    • Sue Greimel will be taking over as Membership Treasurer in mid July. The same email address will reach her.
    • And remember, this year all of your membership dues are fully tax deductible.
  • Katherinne Fox, our 2024 NCCWSL-Washington D.C. attendee, is also one of our Branch Scholars and is in her senior year at Harvard. She sent an update on her experience that is posted on our Recent Events page.

AAUW State and National Notes

  • AAUW MN Summer Pine is Now Available: Following is a link to The Pine on the AAUW MN website. Or, if you prefer, you can go to the AAUW MN website directly at https://aauw-mn.aauw.net/  and click on Summer Pine on the homepage. The-Pine-Summer-2024.pdf

Special Events

●●● Summer Break ●●●

Regular Tuesday Programs will resume in the Fall.
Click on “See you in September!” for a blast from the past.

Members will find more information about programs on the Tuesday Programs page and in the 990 News.

No evening programs scheduled at this time.

American Association of University Women – St. Paul Branch

990 Summit Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105
(651) 227-4477

© Copyright 2023 AAUW St. Paul Branch