Message from Our President

My dear friends,

Without a doubt, summer is my favorite season. Warm sunny days by a lake or a swimming pool and cool evening breezes are the best! Summer encourages us to relax and unwind, to visit friends and new places, and to appreciate Minnesota’s natural beauty. But more importantly, summer gives us all an opportunity to recharge, and for me as AAUW St. Paul President, to gear up for our 2024-25 activities and programs.

At our annual meeting, I shared key areas of focus for the coming year: Engagement, Alignment, and Vibrancy. This summer, I have been thinking about each of these areas and how they can guide and inspire our branch in the coming year. Of course, each of us will discover different meanings and interpretations for each area of focus that will stimulate some great conversations. To start that conversation, here are some of my thoughts.

Engagement. Meeting other professional women, making new friends, exploring new interests, and supporting equity for women and girls were the primary reasons I joined AAUW. There is so much that I’ve learned from AAUW members by participating in educational and Great Decisions programs and supporting ERA MN. Many AAUW members engage in branch activities by getting involved with our committees and community outreach opportunities. The good news is that there are still many opportunities to get involved in AAUW St. Paul Branch activities where your talents and experience can make a real difference.

Alignment. Even though it seems like yesterday, I graduated from college fifty years ago. Especially during my graduate studies, increasing the number of women in public administration and local government was a major focus. Much progress was made and society “seemed to be” on track to provide equity to women and girls. But as we know, some of that progress has been “side-tracked” and eroded over time. AAUW’s mission is more relevant than ever. An important way “to live” our mission is to increase our awareness of what other AAUW branches and AAUW MN are doing,  to recognize the resources and work of the national organization, and to work together with these and other non-AAUW organizations whenever doing so will advance equity for women and girls.  

Vibrancy. To be vibrant is to be full of life, energy, and enthusiasm. As an organization, vibrancy is a belief in what we can accomplish when we join together with a shared purpose. We can all be proud of the vibrancy our branch consistently demonstrates through our work on scholarships for promising young women, Action Fund to community organizations, community outreach projects, and advocacy for issues that advance equity for women and girls. We build on that vibrancy when we participate on committees and assume leadership positions, and when we welcome new members who bring their talents and experiences into our organization.

As we enter 2024-25, I encourage everyone to consider what Engagement, Alignment, and Vibrancy mean for you in relation to our AAUW mission. Please share your thoughts and ideas with others and with me. Let’s keep the conversation going as we build on our past by imagining the best possible future for our St. Paul Branch of AAUW.

My best to all,
Sharon Klumpp, AAUW St. Paul President 2024-2026

Posted: 7/2/24

American Association of University Women – St. Paul Branch

990 Summit Avenue
St. Paul, Minnesota 55105
(651) 227-4477

© Copyright 2023 AAUW St. Paul Branch